Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Often holding a baby makes spoiled, Turns Myth

Parents may be familiar with the notion that holding a baby often can make it spoiled. In Indonesia, a term that is often used by people is the smell of hands. According to child development experts, this assumption is not true and is a myth. Parents may hold or hug the baby as often as possible. Babies need attention through direct touch, as do other basic needs to be able to develop properly.

Provide a sense of security

Baby's brain is not the same as adults and children who are older so it is impossible to spoil it. Newborns will often cry. That is the baby's way of telling him that he feels hungry, lonely, tired, uncomfortable or other. Babies need hugs to calm them down. Research shows that babies who are physically brought closer to parents or caregivers have better brain development, body temperature, and weight gain. Talking while holding a baby is the basis for developing the baby's ability to speak. Carrying a baby can also strengthen the relationship between the baby and the parent, while supporting the interaction between the two. Unlike the bonding situation of a mother who is pregnant and has an early relationship with the baby, a father is advised to increase the amount of time to hold the baby to establish a closer relationship. Especially for premature babies, there is a method of kangaroo care that requires parents to hug the baby as often as possible. The method has been proven to warm the baby's body, reduce crying, stabilize breathing and heart rate, and support weight, and overall growth. One expert said, actually the same treatment is also needed by normal babies. Babies need the warmth of a parent's hug to be able to feel safe and comfortable. Based on some research also, babies whose needs are quickly met will make themselves more confident and not whiny when they are older.

Starts to Limit After Six Months of Age

Babies will cry when they want or need something, but they do not understand the concept of manipulation. Usually after the age of six months, a new baby can begin to understand the surrounding environment. The part of the brain that regulates new habits begins to connect at this age. This is when new parents can begin to limit. From the age of six months, babies begin to be able to read expressions and learn actions in different situations. Parents need to act calmly and let the baby explore during these times. In addition, babies are better able to develop their own abilities. However, one expert said, a new baby can show that he wants something by crying after the age of nine months. At this time, parents should be able to begin to sort out reactions to the crying baby. Do not just believe the myth, especially if it turns out it can interfere with your baby's growth and development. So enjoy the time to hold a baby as often as possible the first months of age without worrying too much. If in doubt, consult the matter with the relevant experts.

Like What Gives Birth with a Vacuum

As well as the preparation of pregnant women, the birth process still saves the risk. In some cases, it is possible to have aids to remove the baby. There are several choices of medical devices that doctors can use, one of which is vacuum. Vacuum is one of the options to support childbirth with the help of a tool as this method can help mothers and babies in long and tiring labor. When compared with caesarean section, mothers who give birth with the help of a tool will have a greater chance to be able to give birth normally in the next pregnancy.

How to use vacuum?

Normal childbirth with the help of a vacuum is needed to help remove the baby from the birth canal. The instrument used is a vacuum extraction with a cup at the top to be attached to the top surface of the baby's head. The cup can be made of rather rigid plastic or metal. Vacuum extraction has a handle at the bottom to attract the baby. Vacuum equipment using human power or mechanical power can be used equally well to use this extraction. Realization, the top of the vacuum extraction will be inserted into the vagina. If necessary, the doctor will cut the perineum to widen the birth canal. When vacuum extraction is in the baby's head, the doctor will ask the mother to push when she feels a contraction. If the pregnant woman gets an epidural injection and does not feel the contractions, then the doctor will give the signal. Next, the doctor will pull the bottom of the vacuum extraction so that the baby's head will come out. If three times the withdrawal attempt by vacuum extraction has not been able to remove the baby, then this effort should be stopped immediately. At this time, your doctor will probably consider using other assistive devices, such as forceps or starting a caesarean.

Childbirth Conditions That Need Tools

Birth aids are often the solution when labor takes too long or feels tiring for pregnant women. Not only helps pregnant women, but also helps babies. The process of giving birth with this aid device is generally more often done at the first delivery. The use of assistive devices, including vacuum, is usually done if the second phase of labor is considered too long. For mothers who first had labor, the normal duration of the second phase is about three hours naturally or four hours with epidural injections. Meanwhile, for women who give birth a second time or so, the second phase which is considered too long is about one hour naturally and two hours by epidural injection. In addition, some obstacle conditions for labor that can use vacuum are babies experiencing stress when the mother strains, the baby is not born, the mother feels physically tired, or the medical condition of the mother which makes it not allowed to push too long. In addition, vacuum extraction can also be used when the maternity doctor needs to turn the baby's head until the recommended birth position. However, there are some conditions that are prohibited from using a vacuum, namely when the gestational age is considered premature or less than 34 weeks, the baby is in a breech position, or the baby's face is in the birth canal.

Understanding the Risk of Birth with Vacuum

As with any medical procedure, giving birth by vacuum also carries a risk of complications. However, this risk is considered lower when compared to Caesarean section if done correctly. Similarly, compared to the use of forceps, the risk of giving birth under vacuum is considered to be lower, which can result in injury to the vagina or perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus. Here are some risks of giving birth with a vacuum that should be known.
  • Risks for mothers

  • Mothers who give birth with the help of a tool have the risk of experiencing clots or clots in the leg or pelvic veins. To prevent this, mothers can try to move a lot after giving birth, using special stockings, or get heparin injections in which the dose will be prescribed by a doctor. Pregnant women are at risk of holding back urination (BAK) and difficulty holding bowel movements (BAB). A mother is also faced with the risk of having difficulty holding a higher chapter after giving birth with the help of a tool. This risk occurs if the mother has a tear in the area around the vagina and anus level 3 or level 4.
  • Risks for babies

  • Babies born with the help of a vacuum are likely to have a cup attached to the baby's head, but generally will disappear within two days. There is also a risk of the baby experiencing bruising in the head area (cephalhaematoma) and will disappear by itself. Such bruises can also trigger jaundice in the first baby of each partner. Although classified as rare, there is also a risk of bleeding in the eyes of babies born through vacuum.
Normal childbirth with a tool, generally not planned. The doctor will determine whether vacuum assistance or other tools are needed. Consult with your doctor about the benefits and risks of using birth aids.

Recognizing Safe Induction, Avoiding Risks

Waiting for the days before delivery is a very tense moment. Not surprisingly, many pregnant women who try to do natural induction to speed up the day of labor. The possibility of giving birth to a healthy baby is higher when pregnant women undergo childbirth, which is about two weeks before or after the estimated birth day (HPL). The ideal day of birth is 39 weeks.

Utilize Recommended Natural Induction

Natural induction techniques can be done at home, alone or with a partner. In addition, there are induction techniques that must be performed by a doctor or medical expert in a hospital. Here are some types of natural induction that are recommended:
  • Having sex

  • Connecting with a partner can be used as a natural induction method. In addition, sperm also contains prostaglandins which will help with natural induction. This hormone is widely used in medical induction. Sexual intercourse as a natural induction is considered more successful in a pregnancy that has experienced signs of labor. For example, the cervix is ​​softening and thinning. However, keep in mind that sex as an induction is not recommended for a pregnant woman who has ruptured membranes. If in doubt, consult this matter with a specialist.
  • Breast nipple stimulation

  • Stimulation of the nipple can trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin. Stimulation can be done by hand or breast milk pump. The hormone oxytocin will then trigger contractions. However, obstetricians emphasize that nipple stimulation should be carried out with supervision of the condition of the baby in the womb to avoid excessive stimulation
  • Removing the amniotic wall from the cervix

  • For this induction, the doctor will sweep the fingers around the cervix so that the membranes in the amniotic sac separate. This action is expected to trigger the release of the hormone prostaglandin and trigger labor. One study showed that more women entered the labor process in the group whose membranes were separated from the cervix, compared to those who did not undergo the procedure.
  • Solve amniotic sac

  • When the amniotic sac ruptures, the hormone prostaglandin increases, triggering contractions. To break the amniotic bag, the doctor will use a thin sterile plastic hook. The hook is added to the lining in the cervix until the baby's head feels down to the cervix. This procedure usually makes the contractions stronger so that the amniotic sac is ruptured

Be Wary of Unproven Natural Induction

Pregnant women need to be aware of natural induction that is only based on myths or that has not been medically proven. We recommend that you first consult with your obstetrician.
  • Walk far

  • Walking or other sports can push the baby down to the pelvis. However, this is an expert claiming to disagree with this theory because walking away can cause pregnant women to fatigue before delivery
  • Eat spicy food

  • Many myths are circulating that spicy foods can stimulate uterine contractions. This has not been proven and actually risks causing heartburn in pregnant women. In addition, there is no direct relationship between the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Drink castor oil

  • Castor oil is a very strong laxative that is expected to trigger contractions. Although one study shows the influence of these oils, but there is a risk that it can trigger respiratory problems in infants. In addition, there is also a risk of pregnant women experiencing diarrhea which is very dangerous if dehydration occurs.
  • Taking herbal medicine

  • There are various types of plants that people believe can be a natural induction. Even so, it is better for consumption of this herbal medicine should always be in consultation with a doctor. Precisely what has happened is prolonged labor or other disorders
Of course, before trying the techniques above, it is advisable to consult a doctor about safety and possible complications. Although some of these techniques are popular with pregnant women, there is still little research to support them. Especially in women with high risk pregnancies, such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or multiple pregnancies.

This Information Is Right Nipple Stimulation to Speed Up Labor

When the little one who is awaited does not come, it certainly can trigger anxiety. Nipple stimulation is one way that can be done to speed up labor. However, not all pregnancies can practice nipple stimulation. Nipple stimulation to accelerate labor can only be done in a healthy pregnancy and the baby is ready for birth. A pregnant woman with a history of high blood pressure, preeclampsia, and diabetes while pregnant should avoid this method.

Triggers the Oxytocin Hormone

Nipple stimulation makes the body feel as if it is reacting to the baby's sucking on the mother's nipple. Nipple stimulation will make the body secrete the hormone oxytocin as a trigger for contractions in the uterus. However, mild and occasional nipple stimulation will not trigger labor. Research shows that some women can give birth after nipple stimulation, although it is not certain that the results apply to all pregnant women. Another study compared nipple stimulation with other stimulations to speed labor. As a result, pregnant women who do nipple stimulation can go through stages and labor faster. Research also shows, groups of pregnant women with nipple stimulation are more likely to give birth normally, than groups of pregnant women with synthetic oxytocin induction. But that must be considered for the success of nipple stimulation is to pay attention to the readiness of the body of pregnant women. The body that is ready to go through labor is marked by the cervix becoming thinner, softer and more open.

Steps for Stimulation

What needs to be kept in mind before deciding to do nipple stimulation to speed up labor is the general health condition of pregnant women. The stimulatory effect is very strong, especially in late trimester pregnancy. The following steps are performed on nipple stimulation to accelerate labor.
  • To do nipple stimulation, you can use a breast pump that resembles baby's mouth sucking. As an alternative, try using your partner's fingers or mouth.
  • Besides being done on the nipple directly, the areola or the dark area around the nipple can also be utilized. Use fingers or other palms to massage the areola. Massage can be done directly on the skin or coated with a thin cloth.
  • Place your palms around the areola and make gentle circular movements. Nipple stimulation is performed a maximum of three times a day with a total time of 60 minutes. Each stimulation session for each breast is a maximum of 15 minutes. Perform alternately between the left and right breast.
  • If during stimulation then contractions occur, stop immediately. Do not continue stimulation if the contractions occur for one minute with each contraction pausing for three minutes. This is to prevent excessive stimulation.
Beware of contractions that occur as an initial stage of labor. Namely if the contractions occur every 15-20 minutes, each of which occurs around 60-90 seconds. The contractions that occur will be strengthened with a shorter time lag contractions and contractions that occur will be longer. Although classified as a natural stimulation that is useful for accelerating labor, nipple stimulation steps should be consulted with your doctor first. Ask your doctor also about other ways to speed up labor if needed.

Pregnant And Breastfeeding Mothers Need To Perform The Following Breast Care

The breast is like a liaison between Mother and baby, both in order to meet the needs of Mother's Milk for your child and build emotional ties. So that the breastfeeding process runs smoothly, Arm your mother's knowledge about breast care. It is not impossible that challenges arise when breastfeeding, starting from looking for a comfortable and correct nursing position to various problems that can occur in the breast. These problems can include sore or chapped nipples, blockage of the milk ducts, breast swelling, or breast infection. Mother can also feel discomfort in the breast since the period of pregnancy. Here are some breast care steps you can do.

Care in Pregnancy

Breasts begin to swell and become denser since the first trimester and will feel enlarged and heavy in the next trimester. To feel comfortable, follow these tips.
  • Do not wash the area around the nipple using soap because it can make the skin in the area dry. Just clean it with warm water.
  • Use a bra that is able to support the back and sides of the body optimally during the day and prioritize those made from cotton. While for the night, use a special sleep bra that is light and soft so that sleep feels comfortable.
  • If the breast feels itchy, avoid a hot shower. Do not forget to apply moisturizer on itchy breasts after bathing while the skin still feels moist.

Care in the Breastfeeding Period

Caring for breasts during the period of breastfeeding can prevent and manage the risk of the presence of breast problems so that the moment of breastfeeding becomes more enjoyable. Here are some maintenance steps that can be done.
  • To facilitate the milk ducts, gently massage the breasts and squeeze if there are lumps due to blocked milk ducts. If not massaged and squeezed, this lump can cause pain. This condition can occur if you do not completely empty the breast when breastfeeding.
  • Avoid wearing bras that are too tight, bra bras, or tight tops.
  • If your breast feels painful, swollen, and reddened with the flu, then give a warm compress to the breast. Mother may experience mastitis, which is a breast infection due to blocked milk ducts. Also consult a doctor. Your doctor may give antibiotics to treat mastitis, and ibuprofen to relieve pain and swelling. Continue to breastfeed your baby so that the milk ducts don't get clogged. If in doubt, you can ask this to the relevant expert.
  • If only the swelling due to the breasts are too full, for example due to the mother passing the breastfeeding schedule, the breast can be cold compressed. Swelling of the breasts can make your child difficult to breastfeed. However, don't give up. If this happens, milk a small amount of milk and then try to nurse the baby as usual. Continue to breastfeed the baby, even more often.
  • If the nipples feel pain due to poor attachment, do this treatment:
  • Warm compresses to relieve pain.
  • Dry the nipples before returning to dress.
  • Wipe the sore nipple using a drop or two of your mother's breast milk after breastfeeding.
  • Routinely replace the breast pad.
  • Use a breastfeeding bra. Choose cotton and no wire.
To avoid breastfeeding problems, it's a good idea to breastfeed your baby regularly and regularly, which is about 8-12 times a day. Do not hesitate to consult with a doctor or lactation consultant, especially if you have a fever, chills, body aches and has no strength, breast swelling and does not improve within 24 hours, pain during breastfeeding, red breast, swollen, hard pain, and feels warm or hot, or if the nipple chapped or bleeding. Learn how to breastfeed properly and breastfeed in a comfortable position to prevent these conditions.
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